Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Stress and Shoes

Stress. That one words can easily sum up human existence.  Sure love and passing on our genes seem like great canidates too, but both of those end up revolving around stress.  When you have kids you love them but you are always stressed that they will choke on their toy truck, wont get into college, or any of the other countless worries of a parent. We are constantly worried about future outcomes with our jobs, schooling, social networks, etc... so we carry around these heavy burdens as though we have no choice.  For me, I have college classes, work, relationships both romantic and platonic, bills to pay, music to make, and the looming presence of my inevitable graduation to real adult life.  If that weren't enough, family crisis after family crisis add themselves to the burden, along with the worst stomach flu and cold I have had in years.
It was when i was feeling like one mere straw placed on that burden, would indeed break my back, that i found it. The most beautiful pair of shoes I have seen in ages.  Designed for comfort and visual appeal, I knew i had to put them on my feet.  It was love at first sight, and as I got to know the shoes, I fell deeper in love.  It was an oxford style pump with a beautiful contrast of black and brown with gold trim. It was as if when the pump lifted me just 2 1/4 inches from my natural view of the world, it was a different place.  It was a prettier and happier place. I wanted to dance, sing, frolic through a meadow, and just exist in this happier state of being. The brand Poetic License has been perfectly named, for its shoes make you feel as though your life is a love poem come to life, but instead of a man, its just you and the shoes.  So go, take a break from your stress, and go find your oxford pump.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

They Say The Candy Man Can, But Can He?

Candy man, candy man, where for art thou candy man? Sammy Davis in his song "Candy Man," makes one believe that the candy man can solve any problem.  Well candy man, where are you when I need you most?  I feel as though my walls of sanity and security are crumbing, where are you to seperate my sorrow and collect all the cream? Where are you to take my tomorrow and dip it in a dream? Im ready candy man, come make my world taste good again.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Long denim skirts must die

Alright, I get it. You are conservative, but there is no excuse to be unfashionable. Obviously you have no problem with denim... so why not wear a pair of jeans? So you like the flow of air between your legs... WEAR A NORMAL SKIRT! I'm not trying to say that my fashion sense is at the top of the fashion hierarchy, but I do know that it isn't that difficult to cover up the ladies or your legs in a way that doesn't make people want to alert the fashion police!

Since its rainy and I have a scratchy throat here is an easy, cheap, and delicious meal that you can make for less than $10 in less than 15 minutes that gives you a taste of home with a twist:

1 Box Mac and Cheese- prepared as directed
1 can tuna- drained
1/4 teaspoon garlic
1/2 teaspoon Sriracha (or the hot sauce of your choice in whatever measurement you desire)

Mix together, add a dash of salt and pepper and enjoy!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Island Fever

We have all been asked what three things we would bring if we were to be deserted on some theoretical island. Lets be honest, if I were to be stuck on some island, I am pretty sure I would not survive. Granted, I was trained in wilderness first aid, but that only taught me how to make a splint out of sticks and a t-shirt... If forced to build a shelter, it would most likely be blown over by a slight sea breeze. Hell, I can't even build a good fire, when I was a camp counselor my campers would laugh at my fire building attempts. As for gathering food, who knows what I would do. So lets assume that my theoretical island has a cave, an endless supply of fruit, and that i magically can build fire. Now, back to what I would bring. While I would love to bring friends, lets be honest we all know that's not what the question is actually about...So here is my list.

1. A Lifetime Supply of Aquaphor- I cant live a day, let alone an extended amount of time on a deserted island without Aquaphor. Whether you need chapstick, your skin feels dry, or you got a fresh tattoo, Aquaphor can do it all. For people like me, who cant go anywhere without something to hydrate their lips, Aquaphor is the best. We have all heard of the old beauty tip to use Vaseline on our lips, but the unfortunate taste makes it unpleasant to use. Unlike Vaseline, Aquaphor skips the bad taste, hydrates your lips while giving them a beautiful shine at the same time. Nothing has ever made my lips this soft, and I have tried many different products.

2. My Guitar- Life without making music would be the end of me. I need the feeling of my fingers shuffling around the neck of my guitar in rhythmic time, while simultaneously projecting my feelings through voice inflections and lyrics.

3. A toothbrush and an endless supply of toothpaste- I know these are technically two things, but I don't to end up having to be my own dentist like Tom Hanks in Cast Away. Plus, I just love my teeth.

On that note, I leave you with a rough recipe for my Paradise Fruit salad. Nice and simple, yet delectable.

Bananas (sliced)
Apples (sliced)
Frozen Grapes (use as many as you would like)
Shredded Coconut (use as much as you would like)
1/2 cup raw almonds

Combine the bananas, apples, coconut and raw almonds. Don't mix in the grapes until right before you serve it!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Like most college students, I am an insomniac. Constantly slipping in and out of a place of wonder and excitement, to be slapped in the face with the cold reality, that when I wake up, I am alone. The decisions I make in this life, I will make alone. The paths I chose to take, I shall walk them alone. My entire life story will be revealed only to me, because I live this life alone. I have never had a problem finding companionship, people who walk by my side on this path of life to fight the looming fear of what we cannot change, that we are all alone. Companionship gives us the opportunity to love, experience, and learn... But, once you close your eyes, its just you. No one else. It is in the hours of disturbed sleep, when the world is silent, and I am left to my thoughts, that I appreciate this biological loneliness that we call independence. It is this independence that allows us push our limits, discover the world, create, destroy, and grow. Embrace it. Enjoy this life, because you shape it. With that said, I leave you with one of my creations. This dish is mouth watering, healthy, and rich in beautiful colors. I encourage you to try this recipe, it will make a beet lover out of anyone!

Sweet and Spicy Roasted Vegetables
1 bunch of beets
1 onion
1/2 of a red pepper
1/2 of a yellow pepper
1 clove minced garlic
2-3 tablespoons chili paste (* can be reduced if you dont have a high spice tolerance like me!)
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon olive oil

1. Cut off the root and greens of beet, then remove the skin using a peeler. Submerge in boiling water, let it sit in there for about 30-40 minutes, or until tender. (You may leave the skin on while you boil it, the skin can be removed easily that way. I just find that the taste of dirt isn't as strong if you peel them before boiling.)
2. Preheat oven to 350
3.In a bowl, combine: chili paste, honey, garlic, and olive oil
4. Cut up all the vegetables and combine with the sauce
5. Bake for 25-30 minutes